Medical Equipment and Service Solutions

Toshiba Aquilion ONE CT Scanner



CT Scanner with adaptive clinical solutions for a variety of procedures
The Toshiba Aquilion ONE CT Scanner completes high-quality scans quickly, with reduced radiation doses for the patient. With advanced, adaptive clinical solutions, the Aquilion ONE keeps pace with the demand for treating patients and performing a wider range of procedures more efficiently. Available in a variety of configurations.
The Toshiba Aquilion ONE CT Scanner is available refurbished from Avante Health Solutions. For more information, contact an Avante representative today.




Aquilion ONE CT Scanner designed for fast imaging with reduced doses, increasing patient safety and comfort.
• Adaptive clinical solutions help to simplify workflow and ensure consistent results, even in complex scanning situations.
• AIDR 3D Enhanced technology and SurekV automatically optimizes the dose for every procedure, making it possible to scan more dose-sensitive patients.
• Fast scanning acquires anatomical and functional data with up to 16 cm of z-axis coverage.
• Wide bore measures 78 cm.
• Optional Feature: Tech Assist Lateral slide helps to increase safety during patient adjustments.
• Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction (SEMAR) helps to ensure clear imaging when scanning areas with metallic implants.
• Stroke triage with a 60 second exam.
• Cardiac CTA in as little as ONE beat.
• Whole organ perfusion with contrast and temporal uniformity.
• Single rotation volumetric scanning.
• Scalable platform can be easily upgraded on-site with the latest technology.


• Aquilion ONE 320
o 0.5 mm x 160 detector
o 320 slices every rotation
o 8 cm of coverage every rotation
o 0.35 sec rotation
o 72 kW generator
o 78 cm bore
o AIDR 3D Enhanced
o PureVisION CT Detector
o SEMAR metal artifact reduction
• Aquilion ONE 640
o 0.5 mm x 320 detector
o 640 slices every rotation
o 16 cm of coverage every rotation
o 0.35 sec rotation
o 72 kW generator
o 78 cm bore
o AIDR 3D Enhanced
o PureViSION CT Detector
o SEMAR metal artifact reduction
• Aquilion ONE ViSION
o 0.5 mm x 320 detector
o 640 slices every rotation
o 16 cm of coverage every rotation
o 0.275 sec rotation
o 100 kW generator
o 78 cm bore
o AIDR 3D Enhanced
o PureViSION CT Detector
o SEMAR metal artifact reduction