Medical Equipment and Service Solutions

SPL 03.53 S Russo-Sanna piston in Titanium/PTFE


Russo_Sanna PDF Catalog


The Russo-Sanna Titanium and PTFE piston is used in otosclerosis with fixation of the stapes and normal motility of the incus and the malleus. Normally the platinotomy has a diameter of 0.6 mm and 0.1 mm is the space needed to ensure optimum play of the piston (Fig. A).


The shape and the ductility of Titanium makes sure that prosthesis can be adapted when there is a prominent or uncovered facial nerve. Giving the correct angle to the stem prevents the reduction of mobility of the prosthesis (Fig. B).
In the presence of a partial erosion of the incus, the prothesis can be hooked on a free area of the long apophysis of the incus. The prosthesis can be bent and positioned in case of short incus too (Fig. C).

During a revision of stapedotomy with a necrosis of the incus, this prosthesis, due to its length, can be hooked to the handle of the malleus and placed in the platinotomy (Fig. D)

Code Length(in mm) 
SPL 03.53 S 7.00 trimmable till 4.00

As all Audio Technologies pistons, the total length stands for the length of the piston enclosing the loop diameter, which is always 1 mm. Therefore, the functional length is Total length -1 mm.