Medical Equipment and Service Solutions

PAP 07.68 Adjustable partial prostheses in Titanium and Porous HA

PAP 0768 PDF Catalog


Adjustable partial prostheses in Titanium and Porous HA
Code Packaging Dimensions Specs
PAP 07.68 1 piece Length 2,50 mm extensible to 5,00 mm Patented – Unique Porous HA head



  • No cartilage interposition needed: The HAP flange can be placed directly in touch with tympanum
  • Implant stability: The flange sticks to the tympanum thanks to its porosity
  • Saves stock! One model fixes all lengths
  • Adjustable stem that can be tried in place till the perfect length is reached
  • Can be extended and compressed several times
  • No additional and expensive instruments needed