Low Frequency Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy Device uses a specific low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field to act on the surface of bones such as the human spine and femur, so that under the action of pulsed current, it can activate bone cell activity and intervene in bone metabolism through electromagnetic biological effects. Improve bone density and relieve pain caused by osteoporosis.
Product Structure and Composition
The treatment machine is mainly composed of a host and two spinal treatment devices.
Scope of Application
It is suitable for adjuvant treatment of pain caused by osteoporosis.
Power Supply | AC220V 50Hz |
5 Treatment Mode | |
Frequency | 1-100Hz |
Maximum Intensity | 7mT |
Temp. | RT, 37℃, 41℃, 45℃, 48℃ |
Two indepently channels |
- Patients with congenital heart disease, heart bypass, and implanted pacemaker;
- Cancer patients;
- The lower abdomen of pregnant women;
- Acute bleeding period;
- Those who have obvious adverse reactions to magnetic therapy;
- Partial metal foreign body;
- Patients with severe heart, liver, lung and kidney failure;
- Bleeding and bleeding tendency;
- People with extremely weak constitution.