Medical Equipment Electronic Acupuncture Treatment Instrument
Neuromuscular low frequency electrical stimulator (hereinafter referred to as stimulator) is a low frequency impulse voltage for treatment, will be a specific low frequency bidirectional symmetrical square wave pulse voltage on the human body, suitable for the treatment of hemiplegia patients with cerebrovascular accident sequela.
- Automatic mode has 7 automatic programs,Manual mode allows you to manually select the output frequency.
- Intermittent mode is 4 seconds stimulation /2 seconds pause.
3. Output waveform: bidirectional symmetrical square wave.
Scope of Application
Adjuvant treatment of hemiplegia patients with sequelae of cerebrovascular accidents.
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- The pathological progression of multiple sclerosis worsens.
3. There is a large metal foreign body at the treatment site.
4. A malignant tumor.
5. Tuberculosis (TB).
6. Thrombophlebitis.
7. Tetanus.